Orphan Grain Train Collection

Pella has become an area collection hub for Orphan Grain Train. Clean, used clothing of all kinds, coats and jackets, shoes and boots, quilts and blankets, hygiene and sanitary products, medical equipment such as canes, walkers, crutches, all these and many other items are collected, sorted, boxed and shipped out from Pella. 

Pella hosts a Mercy Meals packing event from time to time. Many willing hands work together to pack thousands of nutritious meals for those in need.

Learn more about the work of the Orphan Grain Train here: https://www.ogt.org/


Pella's Quilters give their time and talent to create hundreds of quilts from donations of new and used fabric and sheets. Most of these quilts are sent with Orphan Grain Train to bring warmth to someone in need throughout the world. The Quilters meet on Wednesday mornings and welcome anyone who wants to help, of any skill level - if you can cut, sew or iron fabric, they can find a job for you!
